Urine Routine Test

Paying attention to the changes in your urine can be quite helpful in everyday life. Many factors can influence your ability to pass a Urine Routine Test – including age, health, family history, and medication – the color and consistency of your urine result from these factors. 

This can influence your health, especially if there is a significant change. You need to know a few things about urine routine tests and how they’re done.

What is a Urine Routine Test?

A routine urine test is one type of test that can be performed to check your overall health.

Urinary routine tests are used to screen for different urinary tract disorders. It is a test to measure the appearance of your urine. The test helps to evaluate the microorganisms present in the urine and their susceptibility to treatment. 

The urine that passes through our kidneys has a balance of water, urea, hemoglobin, etc., in the form of human waste. If you are running a fever and feel lethargic, then the normal levels may be disturbed, leading to an increase in the level of white blood cells.

Five things to know about are:

1. Why is it necessary?

The urine routine test measures levels of protein, glucose, and red blood cells in your urine. These three components are generally present in urine, but if they increase or decrease abnormally, it can indicate an illness or problem with kidney function.

These substances are produced abnormally by your body when you have a UTI (urinary tract infection), kidney damage, or kidney disease. A UTI is usually caused by bacteria entering your urethra from the vagina or rectum and traveling up into the bladder, where they multiply rapidly to cause an infection.

In addition to detecting high blood pressure, kidney disease, metabolic disorders like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and even diabetes mellitus (type 1 & type 2), a urine routine test can detect other conditions that affect your body.

Some other reasons to take Urine Routine Test include:

Burning on urination, frequency of urinating, bloody or cloudy urine, Chills, Fever, Back pain, Edema or swelling, loss of appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue, Sleepiness, Itching, Twitching, and Metallic taste in the mouth.

Here are some things you can do to prepare for this test:

Drink plenty of fluids before you arrive at the doctor’s office or laboratory to have enough urine for the test. You can also drink more water after your visit if necessary.

2. How to prepare for the test?

Do not use any diuretics (water pills) or laxatives (medications that cause bowel movements) 24 hours before your appointment, as these may interfere with test results( Except when advised by your doctor).

3. The Procedure of a Urine Routine Test

A urine routine test typically involves taking a urine sample and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. The lab will then look at the sample under a microscope and analyze it to determine whether it contains any abnormal substances.

Urine routine tests are performed to evaluate specific parameters of the urine. The urine analysis is done to detect and measure the concentration of urine electrolytes, blood cells, glucose, ketones, nitrites, proteins, and other substances.

The most common method for measuring urine parameters is spectrophotometry (colorimetry). A particular instrument called a spectrophotometer measures how much light is absorbed by the sample when it is exposed to different wavelengths of light. The amount of absorption depends on the concentration of the substance being measured.

The advantage of spectrophotometry is that it can be performed on small samples (microliters) quickly (less than 5 minutes).

4. How are the samples Measured?

The routine test is a simple, quick, and efficient way to measure the health of your kidneys. The test involves collecting a urine sample at home and sending it to a lab for analysis. The lab will then provide you with results within a few days.

The urine routine test measures:

Urine Albumin Test: This test is done to determine if there is blood in the urine. The presence of blood can indicate damage to the kidneys or urinary tract.

Urine Culture: A sample is taken from the urine and then incubated for 24 hours to see if any bacterial growth occurs. This can help identify an infection in the urinary tract.

Creatinine: Creatinine is a waste product that results from protein breakdown in your body. It is present in your blood and also excreted in your urine. The amount present in your urine depends on how much you drink and how well your kidneys function. This test measures the amount of creatinine in your urine and indicates how well your kidneys are working.

5. What does the result indicate?

The urine routine test measures specific compounds in urine that can indicate various diseases and disorders. For example, if the test shows high glucose levels (sugar), it may indicate diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, if there are high levels of protein or blood cells in the urine, it could be a kidney or bladder infection.

So don’t neglect urine routine tests! A single missed routine test can lead to untreated diabetes, hypertension, and more severe health problems that can leave you feeling lousy. It’s not complicated. Just follow the steps above, and you will be on your way to being a healthy person.

Take your health into your hands by going through Urine routine tests regularly. At Dr. Remedies Labs, the Urine Routine Test is provided with accurate results. We believe that this test can give peace of mind that your body is working harmoniously and efficiently. Everyone can benefit from complete harmony within their bodies, which is why Dr. Remedies Labs included this test in health packages so that you can enjoy the health and wellness benefits it offers. For more details about health packages, visit our website.